Building lasting wealth is not only about planning, saving and investing. It is about creating a financial and life plan that aligns with your values.

Working in the financial services industry for the past 38 years as a Financial Planner & Certified NLP Coach has taught me that the most successful people have a confident and positive relationship with money. They are also focused and committed to creating a solid financial plan.

I value working with my clients on both creating a healthy relationship with money and a financial plan that is sustainable. I have assisted 1000s of clients over the years and meet you where you are at.

I live in Armstrong with my husband, we are now empty nesters with Ariel, Bohdi and Karma our pets.

I love speaking at events, lead workshops for women and spend as much time out hiking with Ariel as I can. For me, it is not about selling products, it is about matching you with the best available products that will assist you in growing your money and creating wealth which results in peace of mind knowing you can enjoy life in the present moment.

Barbara Wallick, PFP, RIS
Financial Planner

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